Sohail Elected DBA Sialkot President


Sohail elected DBA Sialkot president

SIALKOT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 14th Jan, 2024) Sohail Iqbal Harar was elected as president of the Sialkot District Bar Association (DBA) in the annual elections 2024-25.

Azam Ali Gillani was elected as Vice President, Chaudhry Rahat Nazir Vance General Secretary and Aqeel Akram Mehr was elected as Joint Secretary.

According to Chairman Election board Muhammad Amjad Rana, Sohail Iqbal Harar was elected President DBA with 912 votes while Chaudhry RK islam got second position with 671 votes.

Azam Gillani was elected as Vice President DBA with 790 votes while Gul Deeba Shahi got second position with 784.

Chaudhry Rahat Nazir Vance was elected as General Secretary DBA with 810 votes, Shahid Iqbal Waryah was second with 483 votes while Ahmed Nasir Malik was third with 284 votes.

Aqeel Akram Mehr was elected as Joint Secretary with 905 votes and Irfan Hussain Rana stood second with 669 votes.

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