Special Secretary For Provision Of Healthcare Facilities To Masses Without Interruption

Special secretary for provision of healthcare facilities to masses without interruption

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) Special Secretary Primary and Secondary Health Care, South Punjab, Rashid Irshad Hussain on Monday urged upon all officers and staff to dedicate their full energy to provide comprehensive medical facilities to the people.

There should be no interruption or hindrance in the provision of public health services. He made these remarks while addressing the introductory meeting after his appointment in South Punjab. During the meeting, he was briefed in length about the department's procedures and other matters.

He emphasized that all available resources, workforce, and capabilities should be utilized to ensure the provision of medical facilities at the doorstep of the people. The special secretary stated that effective and continuous monitoring of the service delivery at all hospitals and health centers in South Punjab should be carried out, including the availability and supply of medicines, the functionality of biomedical machinery, and other matters.

Additionally, the ongoing health development projects in South Punjab should also be monitored. He mentioned that to ensure timely medical facilities at the doorstep of people in remote areas, a special project called "Clinic on Wheels" has been launched under the directives of Chief Minister Punjab, Maryam Nawaz and the benefits of this project must reach to the people at all costs.

The meeting was attended by Additional Secretaries Qamar-ul-Zaman Qaisrani and Shahid Abbas Joiya, Deputy Secretaries Sheikh Muhammad Tahir, Sabir Hussain, and Section Officers.