Two Gangs Busted, Over Rs 2m Looted Goods Recovered

Two gangs busted, over Rs 2m looted goods recovered

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Nov, 2023) Police claimed to have busted seven members of two robbery and snatching gangs and recovered over Rs 2.1 million looted goods from their possession.

According to a spokesperson for the police, New Multan police station SHO Ali Hassan Gilani along with his team raided and arrested three members of Hamza gang including ring leader Muhammad Hamza, Ramzan and Abdul Rahman.

Police have recovered Rs 1.8 million looted goods including four motorcycles, mobile phones and cash. 66 cases were also traced against the gang.

Likewise, four members of Talha gang including ring leader Muhammad Talha, Rashid Ali, Adil and Muhammad Kashif. The looted goods worth over Rs three lac were recovered from the gang concerned while they revealed 13 cases of snatching during interrogation.

More revelations were expected from the arrested gangsters.