UoP NCEG Dept To Organize Earth Science Pakistan Conference At Bara Gali

UoP NCEG dept to organize Earth Science Pakistan conference at Bara Gali

The National Centre of Excellence in Geology (NCEG) University of Peshawar (UoP) will arrange the Earth Science Pakistan Conference at Summer Camp Bara Gali from 2nd June 2024

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) The National Centre of Excellence in Geology (NCEG) University of Peshawar (UoP) will arrange the Earth Science Pakistan Conference at Summer Camp Bara Gali from 2nd June 2024.

The NCEG has a longstanding tradition of hosting international conferences in the field of Earth Sciences at the Bara Gali Summer Campus of the University of Peshawar for the last two decades. NCEG has so far organized Earth Science Pakistan (ESP) in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2022 with major focus on earth sciences related challenges in Pakistan.

A press release said on Friday that the ESP 2024 will provide a platform for national and international scientists to showcase their research in various fields of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

A special workshop will be organized for stakeholders from public and private sectors, focusing on topics such as climate induced hazards and associated risks for critical infrastructure, in collaboration with Bristol University (UK), Himalayan University Consortium (ICIMOD, Nepal) and Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS).

Dedicated sessions will cover areas including economic mineral resources, energy & petroleum resources, structural geology, applied geophysics, and emerging technologies. International scientists from the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, China, and Nepal will also participate and present their ideas and research contributions.

The conference is sponsored by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF), Soil and Water Conservation Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, US Agency for International Development (USAID), Pakistan Mineral Development Department (PMDC), Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Center (PASTIC), Organization of Islamic Cooperation Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) and Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL).

This year ESP 2024 has got much attention due to the international speakers invited from UK, China, Netherlands, Egypt and Saudi Arabia with the aim to speak about earth science related issues of Pakistan. There will be research and academic linkages with international universities in order to update the quality of education in Pakistan.

The ESP 2024 is convened by Dr Liaqat Ali, Director NCEG, the Patron in Chief is Vice Chancellor University of Peshawar, Prof Dr Muhammad Jahanzeb Khan, Patrons Prof Dr Qasim Jan and Prof Dr M Tahir Shah. The organizing committee included Dr Waqas Ahmad and Dr Shah Rukh who will serve as Chief Organizer and Secretary of the conference respectively.

The desiring persons can get more details about ESP 2024 from NCEG website (www.nceg.uop.edu.pk).