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99 Names of Muhammad SAW - Asma Ul Muhammad with English and Urdu Meanings

Read the 99 names of Muhammad, also known as Asma Ul Muhammad at UrduPoint. You can read 99 Muhammad names with the most accurate and brief meanings in English and Urdu on this page. Reading the 99 names of Nabi Muhammad gives you peace of mind, and they are very important for Muslims. Find peace by reading and memorizing Muhammad ke 99 naam by heart, You can also select the baby names with these beautiful and magical 99 names of Muhammad SAW.

أسماء النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

# Name Transliteration Meaning
1 عادل Aadil The Justice
2 عالم Aalim The Scholar
3 عبدالله Abdullah Slave of Allah
4 ابوالقاسم Abu al Qaasim The father of Qasim.
5 ابو الطاھر Abu at Tahir The father of Tahir.
6 ابوالطیب Abu at Tayyib The father of Tayyib.
7 ابو ابراھیم Abu Ibrahim The father of Ibrahim.
8 عفو Afoow Forgiver.
9 احید Aheed He who takes to one side.
10 احمد Ahmad Much praised
11 اجیر Ajeer He who is rewarded.
12 علم الایمان Alam ul Eeman The banner of faith.
13 علم الیقین Alam ul Yaqeen The banner of belief.
14 علم الھدیٰ Alamul Hudaa Banner of guidance.
15 علیم Aleem The Knowledgeable
16 امین Ameen The Honest One
17 النجم الثاقب An Najm-us-Saqib Shining star.
18 عاقب Aqib The Latest
19 عربی Arabi The Arabi
20 اول Awwal The First
21 عین الغر Ayn ul Ghurr The chief of the chosen one.
22 عین النعیم Ayn un Naeem The spring of blessing.
23 عزیز Aziz The Honoured One
24 بالغ Baaligh He who attains the elevated station.
25 بار Bar Pious
26 بشیر Basheer The Messenger of Good News
27 بیان Bayan Obvious words
28 برھان Burhan The Evidence
29 بشریٰ Bushraa Giver of good tidings.
30 داع Daa The Invitor
31 دلیل الخیرات Daleel ul Khyayraat To guide to virtue.
32 فاتح Faateh The Victor
33 فاضل Faazil Virtuous.
34 فصیح اللسان Faseehul Lisaan The eloquent of speech.
35 فتاح Fatah The Successor, The Opener
36 غنی Ghani The Rich
37 غریب Gharib The Poor
38 غوث Ghaus Succour, listener to complaints.
39 غیث Ghays Shower of mercy.
40 غیاث Ghiyaas Full of succour.
41 ھاد Haad The Leader
42 حبیب الله Habeebullah Beloved of Allah.
43 حبیب Habieb The Beloved
44 حفی Hafeey Very merciful.
45 حافظ Hafiz The Guardian
46 حکیم Hakeem The Wise
47 حامد Hamid The Praiser
48 حمید Hamied The Thankful
49 حق Haq The True, The Truth
50 حریص علیکم Harees-un-Alaikum The Covetous for the Believers
51 ھاشم Hashim The Destroyer, The Crusher of Evil
52 حاشر Hashir The Awakener, The Gatherer
53 ھاشمے Hashmi The Hashmi
54 ھدیه الله Hidayatullah Gift of Allah.
55 حجازی Hijazi The Hijazi
56 حزب الله Hizbullah Army of Allah.
57 ھدی Hudaa Guide.
58 حجه Hujjat The Right Argument
59 اکلیل Ikleel Chief (of Prophets)
60 امام Imam The Guide
61 امام المتقین Imamul Muttaqeen Leader of the pious.
62 عزالعرب Izzul Arab The honour of Arabs.
63 جامع Jaami Perfect.
64 جبار Jabbar Dominant.
65 جواد Jawwad The Generous
66 کاف Kaaf Sufficient, enough.
67 کامل Kaamil Perfect.
68 کاشف الکرب Kaashiful Kurab He who solves difficulties.
69 کفیل Kafeel Surety.
70 کلیم الله Kaleemullah Who converses with Allah.
71 کریم Kareem The Noble
72 خلیل الرحمٰن Khaleel ur Rahman The freind of Compassionate.
73 خلیل Khalil The True Friend
74 خاتم الانبیآء Khatamul anbiya Seal of the Prophets.
75 خاتم الرسل Khatamur Rusul Seal of Messengers.
76 خطیب الامم Khateebul Umam Sermoniser for the people.
77 خطیب Khatieb The Sermoniser
78 خاتم Khatim The Finalizer
79 ماح Maah The obliterator of Infidelity
80 مدنی Madani The Resident of Madina
81 مدعو Madoow Who is called.
82 مھد Mahd The Guided One
83 مھدی Mahdee Who is guided.
84 مھدی Mahdiy He Who is Well Guided
85 محمود Mahmood The Commendable
86 مکین Makeen Who is given Rank
87 مکین Makeen Who is given rank.
88 مخصوص بالعز Makhsoos bil Izz Chosen to be honoured.
89 مخصوص بالمجد Makhsoos bil Majd Chosen to be on the right path.
90 مخصوص بالشرف Makhsoos bil Sharaf Picked up as a noble.
91 معلوم Maloom Known.
92 مامون Mamoon Secure.
93 منصور Mansoor Who is helped
94 معراج Maraj The Place of Ascent, The Above
95 مشھود Mashhood He who is witnessed.
96 مشکور Mashkoor The Thankful
97 متین Mateen The Strong
98 موصول Mawsool Having link with Allah.
99 مفتاح Miftaah Key to the secrets.

99 Names of Prophet Muhammad PBUH

You can read the complete list of Asma e Muhammad at UrduPoint. This list contains 99 names of Muhammad with meaning in Urdu and English in their correct order. Muhammad k 99 names are the beautiful name for baby boys. We suggest you review these 99 names of Nabi list when a baby is born in your family. You can also share the name of Rasool Allah, the 99 names of Muhammad PBUH page with others about to name their newborns.

We suggest you learn Muhammad Rasool Allah names by heart to seek blessings from Allah Almighty. Reading Muhammad SAW k 99 names also comforts your heart.

What are the 99 names of Muhammad?

You can read 99 names of Prophet Muhammad SAW in the correct order at UrduPoint.

How do you memorize the 99 names of Prophet Muhammad SAW?

You can quickly memorize 99 names of Muhammad SAW by memorizing 5-10 names after every Salah and repeating them from time to time till you can recall them quickly, Afterward, memorize the next 5-10 names and you will quickly learn all of them.

Can we use the Holy Prophet's names for our kids?

Yes, you can use the names of the Holy Prophet SAW to name your kids.