Federal Minister For Planning Development And Special Initiatives, Professor Ahsan Iqbal Calls For Responsible Governance, Youth Empowerment


Federal Minister for Planning Development and Special Initiatives, Professor Ahsan Iqbal calls for responsible governance, youth empowerment

Federal Minister for Planning Development and Special Initiatives, Professor Ahsan Iqbal on Wednesday called for responsible governance and youth empowerment to put the country on a path of sustained development

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Jul, 2023 ) :Federal Minister for Planning Development and Special Initiatives, Professor Ahsan Iqbal on Wednesday called for responsible governance and youth empowerment to put the country on a path of sustained development.

He was addressing the concluding session of a two-day Pakistan Governance Forum 2023 with reiteration to significantly enhance governance practices while addressing the key issues faced by the country and to ensure the implementation for a Stable, Transparent, Agile and Responsible (STAR) governance system.

The minister emphasized the significance of aligning governance with guiding principles such as stability, transparency, agility, and responsibility.

He stressed the importance of preserving meritocracy as a fundamental pillar in public administration and public office, which is essential for effective and efficient governance.

Reflecting on Pakistan's history, Ahsan Iqbal underscored the urgency to overcome political instability and focus on a collective agenda that prioritizes the country's larger interests over individual or group agendas.

He highlighted the need for responsible governance that not only ensures stability but also embraces reform and adapts to changing external environments.

Drawing attention to the youth as Pakistan's economic powerhouse, Ahsan Iqbal emphasized the government's efforts in preparing the nation for the digital revolution.

He highlighted various initiatives, such as providing laptops to students, establishing national centers of artificial intelligence, cyber security, big data cloud computing, automation, and robotics, among others, to equip the youth with skills and knowledge to thrive in the modern world.

During the last day of the forum, seven to eight sessions were held which include Catalyzing Growth and Productivity through the CPEC and SEZs, Countering Fiscal Deficit: Alternative Approaches to Sustainable Economic Recovery, Countering Extremism in Pakistan: Deciphering the Mob Lynching Phenomenon and formulating effective strategies for Mitigation, Countering Cross-Border Terrorism, Strategies for Curtailing terrorism and Repositioning Pakistan in a changing Multiple Global landscape, Impact of the Character of Democracy and Policy Continuity on Democratic stability in Pakistan, Tackling Political Polarization and Violence, Communication Public Opinion and Effective Governance and Promoting Economic, Inclusion of the Youth: Boosting Small and Medium Enterprises & Enabling Entrepreneurship.

Expressing concern over the impact of political discontinuity on Pakistan's progress, Minister Iqbal called for a collective effort to put the country on a path of sustained development.

He urged all citizens to transcend their differences and unite under a common identity - Pakistan. Collaborating as "Team Pakistan" and creating synergies, Minister Iqbal believed, would lead the nation towards becoming a leading economy in the world.

Secretary Ministry of Planning, Syed Zafar Ali Shah, in his address, highlighted the significance of striking a balance between audited manuals and development manuals in the pursuit of good governance.

Emphasizing the importance of focusing on implementation and results, he stressed that while great plans exist, their effective execution remains a key challenge.

He mentioned several development plans, such as the CPEC, Flood Response Plan, and others, and underlined the importance of efficient implementation to achieve desired outcomes.

Shah shared valuable insights into the planning process and the need for agile governance that adapts to changing circumstances and ensures transparency.

The Secretary further emphasized the critical role of institutions in the governance debate. He acknowledged various approaches, such as autonomous organizations and companies, that have been tried to improve governance and service delivery.

However, he underscored that ultimately, the effectiveness of governance should be judged by its impact on the common people and the delivery of public services.

Shah expressed his appreciation for the participants and organizers, commending their dedication to addressing socio economic challenges in Pakistan.

He encouraged open debates and discussions to bring forth innovative solutions to promote sustainable development, adding that the commitment to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is not only an obligation to the world but also a promise to the citizens of Pakistan.

The two-day event was held under a landmark initiative of 'Turnaround Pakistan' which was attended by hundreds of prominent figures from diverse sectors, political leaders, experts, and representatives from civil society who deliberated on a wide range of crucial aspects of governance.