Half Of Liechtenstein Firms Unhappy With Business Outlook - Poll

Half of Liechtenstein Firms Unhappy With Business Outlook - Poll

A half of Liechtenstein's companies have been hurt by the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on demand and supply chains in the first quarter of 2020, a statistical study out Thursday has found

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 14th May, 2020) A half of Liechtenstein's companies have been hurt by the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on demand and supply chains in the first quarter of 2020, a statistical study out Thursday has found.

"Fifty percent of those polled... described the overall business situation as bad and 41 percent as satisfactory.

Meanwhile, 9 percent said they were faring well," the national statistics agency said.

The outlook for the second quarter is equally gloomy. Companies expect the business situation to worsen further by the end of June, with downward pressure on demand continuing to grow.

The small alpine nation conducted the survey in early April. Questionnaires were sent to executives of 43 industrial companies (70 percent of the sector) and 35 companies operating in the service sector (25 percent of it).