Saudi Transport Minister Visits Muuga Harbour In Estonia


Saudi Transport Minister visits Muuga Harbour in Estonia

Saudi Minister of Transport Saleh Al-Jasser and his accompanying delegation have visited the Muuga Harbour in the Republic of Estonia

Estonia, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) Saudi Minister of Transport Saleh Al-Jasser and his accompanying delegation have visited the Muuga Harbour in the Republic of Estonia.

Al-Jasser was briefed on the port's infrastructure, logistical, operational capabilities and technical solutions for container handling.

He discussed with the Estonian side the means to expand maritime and logistical cooperation in light of the promising investment opportunities in Saudi Arabia under Vision 2030.

He highlighted the developments witnessed by the Kingdom in the ports sector and the efforts exerted to facilitate maritime trade, including the addition of many shipping services to connect the Kingdom to international ports and markets.

He also highlighted the package of agreements signed to establish logistics zones in the Kingdom, which led to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's securing 16th place globally in the Shipping Connectivity Index.

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