01 Day Medical Camp Held At Afiyat Old Age Home


01 day medical camp held at Afiyat old age home

Following the directions of Commissioner Multan division Marryam Khan, a panel of doctors from Shahbaz Sharif hospital conducted a one-day medical camp at Afiyat Old Age Home

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) Following the directions of Commissioner Multan division Marryam Khan, a panel of doctors from Shahbaz Sharif hospital conducted a one-day medical camp at Afiyat Old Age Home.

Maryam Khan stated that the Chief Minister Punjab, Maryam Nawaz, initiated a commendable campaign of "Clinic on Wheels" and the team visited the old age home to perform comprehensive health check-ups on all senior citizens residing there.

In addition to the medical camp, Commissioner Khan announced that solar panels, repair of washrooms, and air coolers were being provided at the facility.

"Elderly care is our responsibility, and it is our duty to look after them," she emphasized.

Dr Zohaib, the Medical Superintendent of Shahbaz Sharif hospital, reported that thorough screening, testing, and health assessments were conducted for the 40 elderly residents of the old age home. Medications for diabetes and hepatitis will be provided free of charge. Regular health check-ups will be maintained to ensure ongoing care for the senior citizens, he concluded.


1645 hrs