4 New Dept Established, Students Enrollment Increased To 6,800: VC UoM

4 new dept established, students enrollment increased to 6,800: VC UoM

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th Jul, 2021 ) :The University of Malakand (UoM) has established four new departments of Biochemistry, Criminology, urdu and Archeology and students enrollment has increased from 4,300 to 6,800 during the last three years.

Vice Chancellor, Professor Dr Gul Zaman told APP on Friday that establishment of these new departments were demand of the area's people that was fulfilled by the government. Besides four Ph.D and seven M.Phil programs, he said BS programs in six different disciplines have been started.

The vice chancellor has taken credit of establishing a women sub campus in addition started four programs in various departments besides established community mental health center in the university.

He felt proud that UoM has attained top national and international rankings in a short possible time.

Dr Gul Zaman said seven kilometers long boundary wall has been constructed and healthcare unite establishes besides construction of shopping malls having 32 shops in premises of the university to facilitate students.

Besides construction of science and academic blocks, he said, students teachers center, examination building, faculty, boy and girls' hostels, three main gates and blacktopping of roads completed in UoM.

Similarly, 98 houses of faculty members including VC bungalow was renovated, an academic block in university public school and five filtration plants completed besides facilities of three buses for students and faculty achieved.

While highlighting various achievements made during his tenure as VC UoM, he said 53 workshops including seven international seminars, 20 meetings of Advanced Studies Research Board (ASRB), 10 meetings of selection board, 13 meetings of syndicate and seven meetings of academic council were achieved.

Gul Zaman said 28 memorandum of understandings with national and international organizations have been signed and that 300 olive plants planted inside the campus. He said 98 houses were allotted to faculty members strictly on merit.