Annual Urs Of Sufi Saint Qadir Bux Bedal On May 25

Annual urs of Sufi Saint Qadir Bux Bedal on May 25

The three-day celebrations of 156th annual urs of renowned Sufi poet Faqir Qadir Bux Bedal will begin on May 25, at Rohri, district Sukkur

SUKKUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) The three-day celebrations of 156th annual urs of renowned Sufi poet Faqir Qadir Bux Bedal will begin on May 25, at Rohri, district Sukkur.

Provincial Minister, Syed Nasir Hussain Shah and Commissioner Sukkur Raja MB Dharejo would jointly inaugurate the festival by laying floral wreath on the mazar.

Deputy Commissioner Sukkur, Dr Raja MB Dharejo said while presiding over a meeting to review arrangements of the annual urs celebration, that Sufi saint Qadir Bux Bedal taught the lesson of love and brotherhood.

Local public holiday has declared on Saturday May 25 on account of the annual urs.

Mushira and Adbi Conference would also be held on the last day of the urs.

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