Attempts To Sabotage Peace To Be Thwarted, Says DPO Dera

Attempts to sabotage peace to be thwarted, says DPO Dera

District Police Officer Dera Ismail Khan Abdul Rauf Babar Qaisrani renewed his pledge that every attempt to sabotage the peace process would be thwarted

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 14th Dec, 2023) District Police Officer Dera Ismail Khan Abdul Rauf Babar Qaisrani renewed his pledge that every attempt to sabotage the peace process would be thwarted.

He said that the security forces would not be demoralised by cowardly attacks and we will fight back till the menace of terrorism is eliminated from our motherland.

DPO said that the martyrs of the country, whether they belong to any force, are our heroes. He expressed his determination that we are always ready for martyrdom for the sake of the country and for the safety and honor of the lives and property of the citizens.

He said that all of us have taken an oath to protect the land and the lives and property of the citizens and will fulfill this pledge till the last drop of blood.

He added that cowardly acts of terrorists could not demoralize the valiant forces of Pakistan. He further said that restoration of peace and ensuring law and order is the top priority and attempts to sabotage peace would be thwarted.

“We will give a terror-free Pakistan to future generations,” he added.