Commissioner For Arrangements To Establish Cattle Sale Points

Commissioner for arrangements to establish cattle sale points

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) Commissioner Multan division, Maryam Khan Thursday directed officials concerned to make arrangements to establish cattle sale points throughout the division.

She expressed these views while presiding over the meeting held to review arrangements regarding Eid-ul-Adha. She said that the cattle sale points will be activated 10 days before Eid. One cattle sale point at each Tehsil. All temporary sale points will be established outside the urban limits.

There will be a strict ban on buying and selling of animals in urban areas.

Health, municipal corporation and related departments will set up their camps in cattle markets. Cleanliness and drainage was the most important problem of the city.

The commissioner directed the Multan Waste Management Company to work with full capacity on Eid-ul-Adha and reduce response time for immediate redressal of citizens' complaints.

A workable plan should be prepared for Eid-ul-Adha. A plan should be made for disposal of animal waste and the immediate cleanliness of the city. Deputy Commissioner, officers of the relevant departments were present in the meeting.

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