Destitute Drug Addicts Main Target Of Drug Rehabilitation Centre, Says CPO

Destitute drug addicts main target of Drug Rehabilitation Centre, says CPO

Destitute drug addicts would remain to be the main focus of attention of the Drug Rehabilitation Centre where such people would not only be rehabilitated but would also be equipped with skills to do life like a normal person

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 12th Jun, 2024) Destitute drug addicts would remain to be the main focus of attention of the Drug Rehabilitation Centre where such people would not only be rehabilitated but would also be equipped with skills to do life like a normal person.

This was stated by City Police Officer (CPO) Sadiq Ali while addressing a ceremony organized at the Drug Rehabilitation Centre here Wednesday.

People who would be found using narcotics on roads, cross-sections and streets are the main targets of the police’s drug rehabilitation initiative, CPO said adding that after their recovery from addiction, they would undergo training at police driving school, not just in driving but also in different other skills that would help them work as electrician, tailor etc.

to earn livelihood.

SP City division Hassan Raza Khakhi, SDPO Gulgasht Rana Zaheer Babar, DSP Headquarters Namreen Munir, other officials besides religious scholars, civil society representatives, peace committee members and traders were present.

Ulema, on this occasion, offered their help saying they were ready to provide education to such people at Madaris.

Participants of the ceremony hailed police initiative of rehabilitating the drug addicts.