Food Points Fined Over Violations:

Food points fined over violations:

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st May, 2024) Punjab Food Authority (PFA) team imposed hefty fines on various food outlets over poor arrangements and unhygienic food selling in various areas of district Mianwali here on Tuesday.

According to a press release issued by PFA office, the food safety team checked various food points including hotels, grocery store, meat, milk shops and sweets shops and imposed a fine of Rs 121,000 on food points over multiple violations.

During checking of various vehicles at entry and exit routes of the city, the food safety team checked 6521 liters of milk as well.

The PFA also discarded 07-kg various unhygienic eatable items, 01-kg tea leaflets, 28-kg china salt, 03-spices and 25-liter of substandard beverages on the spot.