Heatwave Affects Normal Life In Metropolis


Heatwave affects normal life in Metropolis

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th May, 2024) In view of the increasing intensity of heat across the country, business life in Karachi has been affected, while cold water camps were established across the city to avoid heat stroke effects.

According to the Meteorological Department report, the temperature in the city was recorded at 35 degrees on Monday, while the heat intensity is being felt to be more than 40 degrees.

The number of public transport vehicles across the city was also reduced due to the increase in heat intensity and the fear of heat wave.

The political as well social organizations also set up special camps to facilitate people with cold drinking water and avoid effects of the increasing heat wave.

Healthy experts and local administration officers also advised people to avoid going out without any essential or necessary work and consume cold water and cold drinks during hot weather and keep themselves safe from its effects.