LHC Summons Committee Responsible For Appointing Judges To Special Courts

LHC summons committee responsible for appointing judges to special courts

The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Thursday summoned a provincial government committee responsible for appointing judges to special courts on May 17

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Thursday summoned a provincial government committee responsible for appointing judges to special courts on May 17.

The court also sought a report regarding the procedure for appointing judges to special courts.

LHC Chief Justice Malik Shahzad Ahmad Khan issued the orders while hearing a petition by the Punjab government to transfer some cases from Anti-Terrorism Court-1 Rawalpindi to another court.

During the proceedings, the chief justice questioned the delay by the provincial government in appointing special court judges in the province and expressed serious displeasure over the situation.

Additional Attorney General Malik Javed Awan, Advocate General Punjab Khalid Ishaq, Prosecutor General Syed Farhad Ali Shah, and Registrar Lahore High Court attended the proceedings.