Mayor Order Ensuring Facilities At Heatstroke Relief Camps

Mayor order ensuring facilities at heatstroke relief camps

Mayor Sukkur Barrister Arslan Sheikh on Thursday said heatstroke camps had been organized at various locations to protect citizens from heatstroke in the scorching summer

SUKKUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) Mayor Sukkur Barrister Arslan Sheikh on Thursday said heatstroke camps had been organized at various locations to protect citizens from heatstroke in the scorching summer.

He said that arrangements,had been made to provide immediate medical attention to those affected by heatstroke with water, soft drinks and glucose.

He asked the citizens to exercise caution when leaving their homes.He advised the public to only go outside in case of any need. “Citizens should try and stay in shady places for some time especially when they feel the heat.

Mayor Sukkur directed that the camps be maintained as long as heatwaves were there and all necessary facilities be provided in the heatstroke relief camps. He said that if a patient with a heatstroke came to the camps, there should be prior arrangements to send him to a hospital if needed.

Mayor Sukkur appreciated the services of the Sukkur Municipal Corporation for setting up the heatstroke relief campus.

He also visited various heatstroke relief camps in the district. All the rescue-related organisations, he said, had already been put on alert due to the warnings of heatwaves.