Milk Production Can Be Increased Through Genetically Selected Elite Buffalo Bulls

Milk production can be increased through genetically selected elite buffalo bulls

A research study conducted by the professors and scientists from Institute of Biochemistry & Biotechnology (IBBT) of the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) Lahore in collaboration with scientists from Cornell University and West Virginia State University, USA, has shown increase in milk production through genetically selected elite buffalo bulls

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Feb, 2021 ):A research study conducted by the professors and scientists from Institute of Biochemistry & Biotechnology (IBBT) of the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) Lahore in collaboration with scientists from Cornell University and West Virginia State University, USA, has shown increase in milk production through genetically selected elite buffalo bulls.

The researchers chose Nili-Ravi breed superior buffalo bulls through modern-day genetic sciences (genotyping by sequencing) in their study aimed at finding a method on how to increase milk production. The semen of these superior buffalo bulls is available for artificial insemination.

Researchers from the Livestock & Dairy Development Department Punjab and University of the Agriculture Faisalabad also collaborated in the project, which was financially supported by the Punjab Agriculture Research Board (PARB) project # 492.

Collection of semen doses from these bull and subsequent female offspring will lead to increase in milk production, said Director IBBT Prof. Dr Wasim Shehzad. The professor further added that such an increase in milk will be of permanent in nature and will continue rather increasing in the coming times due to production and distribution of good quality semen among farmers and breeders. In his view such an increase in milk production will be quite helpful in fulfilling the ever-increasing demand of milk supply to the growing population.