MS Visits Heatstroke Ward Of Liaquat University Hospital


MS visits Heatstroke Ward of Liaquat University Hospital

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th May, 2024) Medical Superintendent (MS) Liaquat University Hospital Hyderabad, Jamshoro Dr. Ijaz Ahmed Abbasi has said that with the increase in heat and humidity, the number of heat stroke patients was increasing. In view of such a situation, doctors and paramedics in the Emergency Department (Lal Bati) of Civil Hospital Hyderabad have been directed to supply medicines, injections and other required medicines in abundance, besides putting professors and consultants on high alert for emergency situation.

He expressed these views during his detailed visit to various wards including Heatstroke Ward, ICU and other departments established in the Hospital. He was accompanied by Professor Mohammad Iqbal Shah, Director ICU Dr. Kashif Memon, AMS General Dr. Tahir Qureshi, ADS Dr. Aftab Hussain Puhl, Medical Building Block Incharge Dr. Faisal Memon, RMO General II Dr. Faizan Hussain Memon, focal person on heat stroke Dr. Muhammad Aslam Rajput and other administrative officers.

During the visit to the Heat Stroke Ward, MS Dr. Ijaz Ahmad Abbasi said that to avoid heat stroke and hot air, the citizens should not leave their homes unnecessarily and if there was any compulsion, they should cover their heads and use cold drinks as much as possible during the heat.

Dr. Ijaz Abbasi said that elderly, children and patients suffering from heart diseases need more care during summer and citizens should not leave their homes unnecessarily from 11 am to 4 pm and we are trying hard to provide maximum relief to citizens during the heat wave. If a person suffers from heat wave, he should be immediately taken to the heat stroke unit of the Civil Hospital where ice is provided along with all the facilities of treatment and treatment while the patients are kept in the bathrooms of the ward, he said and added showers have been installed for bathing.

The MS further said that all required medicines were being provided to the patients under treatment in all the wards including ICU, while in Hyderabad and Jamshoro, Accident Department including ICU, Gynecology and Jamshoro have 44 beds. He said that 60,000 to 70,000 rupees per patient are being spent daily on the patients being treated in the ICU, but free treatment is being given at the government level.