Musadik Urges Political Dialogue To Resolve Past Conflicts


Musadik urges political dialogue to resolve past conflicts

Federal Minister for Petroleum, Dr. Musadik Malik said on Wednesday that political parties should engage in dialogue to move forward and leave behind past conflicts

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) Federal Minister for Petroleum, Dr. Musadik Malik said on Wednesday that political parties should engage in dialogue to move forward and leave behind past conflicts.

Speaking to a private news channel, he called on all political parties to come together to address nation's issues.

He stated, "Someday you have to stop, someday you have to talk about improvement.

Let's say today is the day and let's start."

He urged political parties to initiate dialogue but criticized the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) for not believing in political discussions.

He further accused PTI leaders of having an undemocratic attitude, stating they engage in politics of accusations and hatred.

He said that PTI leaders statements contradict each other’s, saying, "The example of 'fight fight, talk talk' fits them."