Price Magistrates Should Ensure The Sale Of Food Items At Fixed Prices,DC


Price magistrates should ensure the sale of food items at fixed prices,DC

SIALKOT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th May, 2024) Deputy Commissioner Sialkot Muhammad Zulqarnain said that special price magistrates should ensure the sale of food items at fixed prices and take action under the Price Control Act against profiteers, adulterers and shopkeepers who manipulate measurements.

He said that the focus of the provincial government was on the sale of bread (roti) at fixed prices and implementation of one-dish in marriage halls/marquees.

Deputy Commissioner expressed these views while addressing a joint meeting of District Sialkot Administrative Officers and Special Price Magistrates here on Monday.

Deputy Commissioner Sialkot Muhammad Zulqarnain directed Assistant Commissioner (AC) Sambrial and AC Daska to prepare a digital directory of agricultural land owners within their limits up to one kilometer on both sides of the motorway which will include the name, area, address and contact number of the land owner.

He said that those who set the crop residue on fire were polluting the environment and with zero visibility of smoke, valuable lives and property were lost in traffic accidents.

Deputy Commissioner urged the local officials of the environment and agriculture extension departments to be present in the field and prevent crop residue from being set on fire and warned the people that strict legal action would be taken against them.

He said that the Special Price Magistrate should conduct inspections on a daily basis and bound the traders to display the price list and sell at fixed rates.