SECP Employees Pay Tribute To Heroes Of Pakistan Movement


SECP employees pay tribute to heroes of Pakistan Movement

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 13th August, 2016) : Employees of the Security Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) on Saturday paid tribute to heroes of Pakistan Movement at a special event at its head office in connection with the Independence Day celebrations,.

A special documentary was shown to highlight the struggle for a separate Muslim homeland, said an SECP press release. The young employees were very excited to see the scenes in the documentary depicting various political phases of the Pakistan Movement and the passionate struggle of the common people led by Quaid-i-Azam and other leaders. They paid tribute to the heroes of the Pakistan movement in their speeches and patriotic songs.

Speakers passionately talked about the sacrifices made in order to create Pakistan. Moved by the spirit of the occasion many SECP employees came to the stage, sang patriotic songs and recited the poetry of Allama Iqbal and other celebrated poets of Pakistan to highlight the struggle for Pakistan.

They talked of all the things that this country has in store for the younger generation.

A video was shown on Pakistan's resources, tourist attractions and achievements in various fields such as agriculture, sports, economy and defense, creating a feeling of elation and pride among the audience.

Speaking on occasion, SECP Chairman Zafar Hijazi said the younger generation just could not imagine the sacrifices that were rendered for the creation of Pakistan. He said 17 members of the family of his parents were martyred during the largest migration in human history.

He said he was very happy to feel the younger SECP employees fully realize the significance of the sacrifices of Muslims made for the creation of Pakistan. He asked the representatives of the younger generation to remember these sacrifices and the struggle by the forefathers, including the writers, poets and political figures.

He said every individual had to play his due part in order to enable Pakistan to play a leading role in the Muslim world. He urged the audience to instill the love of the country in their children.