Seminar Held To Highlight Steps Against Women Harassment

Seminar held to highlight steps against women harassment

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) Shaheed Bhutto Organization (SBF) in collaboration with Pakistan Human Resource Network (PHRN) organized a seminar held at Quaid-e-Azam University, in the department of school of politics and International Relation, to highlight steps against women harassment at work places, on Thursday.

The notable speaker in the session includes Asif Khan CEO of Shaheed Bhutto Foundation, Mehr Jamy Law Officer of FOSPAH, Riasat Ali Azad President Islamabad High Court Bar Association, Hifza Bukhari Advocate Supreme Court, Mian Zahid Sultan President Human Rights Council Pakistan and Senator Farhatullah Babar.

Asif Khan while addressing the session said that PPP has always upheld the status of women and it's party that once led by Shaheed Benazir Bhutto being a woman never failed to uphold the dignity of every woman who was the victim of harassment.

In this modern era, he underlined the need to take more measures for women empowerment.

Ms.Mehr Jamy explained the work of FOSPAH, how their organization is helping many victims and one don’t have to pay any registration or lawyer fee.

The session can be held online and provided justice within ninety days ensuring security and confidentiality of the victim.

Ms.Hifza Bukhari speaking to the audience said that it is not only the role of law but society as well to develop maturity enough to realize the actual potential without diverting their strength in dominating women.

Mian Zahid Sultan explained the concept how a girl feel that after extreme hard work and coming out with a distinction and faces harassment on the very first day of job. Instead of enjoying her hard work she is bewildered by the attitude of the society. He further said its duty of the companions to help harassment victim instead of doing the role of bystanders.

Senator Farhatullah Babar belonging to PPP also advocated Shaheed Benazir’s role in combating harassment and believes in strengthening the morals of the citizens. As the victim is undergoing too much and not giving a helping hand by the society is a severe injustice. At first, the society should raise standard of the law which was basically meant for jobs and that has to be widened to educational institutions.