Special Fights To Bring KP Students Back From Kyrgyzstan: Minister

Special fights to bring KP students back from Kyrgyzstan: Minister

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Higher education Meena Khan Afridi on Monday said that the students struck in Kyrgyzstan would be brought back home through special flights.

He said that as soon as the students would reach Peshawar from the first flight, the Chief Minister KP Ali Amin Gandapur, Finance Minister Muzamil Aslam MNA Faisal Amin Gandapur and he himself would receive them.

The Minister said that the KP CM was in contact with the concerned authorities after the violent attacks in Kyrgyzstan for the safety of the students.

He said that the CM Khyber Pakhtunkhwa had given a mobile number on which people could register themselves adding that the people would be brought back on the first come first served basis.
