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Quran Azerbaijani (Azərbaycan) PDF Download

Quran PDF with Azerbaijani Translation - Al Quran Azerbaijani PDF, the complete Quran book PDF is available at UrduPoint in Azerbaijani translation to download on your devices. You can also download the Quran PDF in Azerbaijani translation Surah-wise from this page. Click the 'Download PDF Azerbaijani Quran Translation' button below to download the complete Quran PDF with Azerbaijani translation on your devices or share via social media.

Download the Complete Quran PDF with Azerbaijani Translation

Complete Quran in Azerbaijani PDF download is available at UrduPoint. Click the Download button below to download the Quran in Azerbaijani PDF on your device. You can also share the complete Quran Azerbaijani PDF on social media.

Download PDF Azerbaijani Quran Translation

Quran Azerbaijani PDF Download

This version of the Azerbaijani (Azərbaycan) language Quran was translated by Sheikh Ali Khan Musayev in the most simplified, and easy translation for letting the viewers better understand the meaning of Islam and the teachings. Furthermore, the translation is specifically developed for a better understanding of the laymen.

Azerbaijani or Azərbaycan speaking people live mainly in Azerbaijan, although Azerbaijani is a widely spoken language in Georgia, Dagestan, Northwestern Iran, and Armenia as well. Almost 14 million people in the world speak the Azerbaijani language. For them, we have brought this website for reciting, downloading, and listening to the Holy Quran on the Quran section of the Urdu Point website.

Every Muslim around the world consider it obligatory to recite the Holy Quran on daily basis. A few years before the only Quran-e-Pak we recited was in Arabic. But with the passage of time Quran-e-Pak is now being translated into native languages. With this being said, there is good news for the Azerbaijani or(Azərbaycan) language speaking people living in Azerbaijan or its adjoining areas. Now you have unlimited and unconditional access to the Quran in Azerbaijani for recitation, downloading, and listening in the native language.

If anyone finds it difficult to recite or understand there is an audio link that allows you to listen to the Quran and to have a better understanding of what the Quran has to teach you. Further, the visibility to the pages is far better, allowing the viewers to read with the enhanced visibility features and easy access to more profound features for reciting the holy Quran in low light.

On this website, you can download or recite the whole Quran or you can easily recite the Holy book according to the surah available for your convenience. The partition according to the surah allows you to read the Quran according to the surah and parahs.