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Alhaaj Muhammad Siddique Ismail Bayan - Video Bayan and MP3 Audio

Siddiq Ismail is a globally renowned Hamd and Na`at reciter and has served for over 50 years on Pakistan Television and Radio Pakistan. Siddiq Ismail belongs to the Memon community. His parents migrated from India to Pakistan in 1947 after the Partition of India. He started his career at the age of 6 at a local 'Masjid Badami' situated in Old Town, Karachi. He suffered from poliomyelitis at an early age and became physically handicapped. In 1960, he joined Radio Pakistan program Bachon ki Dunya. Since then, he has been selected regularly for Hamd-Naat recitation on various radio and TV shows in Pakistan. He participated in the maiden transmission of Pakistan Television – Karachi Center in 1969 and was given responsibility to recite Hamd and Naat at its first live transmission. He has been given the title 'King of Recitation' by his affectionate followers in Pakistan. He represents a soft and positive image of Pakistan through the melodious recitation of religious Naats and Hamds. He is a widely respected figure and is invited to most socio-religious TV events and shows in the country. He has recited thousands of Hamds and Naats in different languages written and spoken in Pakistan including Urdu, Arabic, Persian, Punjabi, Hindi, Saraiki, Sindhi, Pashto, Purbi, and other local languages.He has achieved various awards internationally and nationally and was placed on the list of '500 Influential Muslims'. He was included among 100 Top Muslim Vocalists list at the 7th rank by Independent Muslim Trust, South Africa, in 1980.
Alhaaj Muhammad Siddique Ismail Bayan - Video Bayan And MP3 Audio
Bayan by famous scholar Alhaaj Muhammad Siddique Ismail, watch the videos of Islamic lectures and speeches. These bayan are famous in our users in Pakistan, India and everywhere in the world. They provide the information about Islam, Islamic way of life according to Quran and Sunnah. Alhaaj Muhammad Siddique Ismail has a big fan following due to the quality of bayan and lectures he delivers. You can watch the videos online, or can download them in MP3 Audio format, and share with your loved ones.