Minister For Planning, Development, And Special Initiatives Professor Ahsan Iqbal

Inaugurates Historic 'FUTURE E-Commerce Operations Center'

Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives Professor Ahsan Iqbal 
inaugurates historic 'FUTURE E-Commerce Operations Center'

Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives Professor Ahsan Iqbal on Wednesday inaugurated a historic 'FUTURE E-Commerce Operations Center, calling upon the younger generation to embrace e-commerce and information technology as pivotal components of Pakistan's economic growth

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Jul, 2023 ) :Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives Professor Ahsan Iqbal on Wednesday inaugurated a historic 'FUTURE E-Commerce Operations Center, calling upon the younger generation to embrace e-commerce and information technology as pivotal components of Pakistan's economic growth.

The event marks a significant milestone for Pakistan, as it celebrates the 10th anniversary of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and showcases the country's remarkable progress over the years, a news release said.

Addressing the inaugural ceremony, the minister highlighted the essence of nation-building, emphasizing that unity and cooperation formed the bedrock of any successful nation.

He drew attention to China's remarkable progress, attributing it to three fundamental pillars including political stability, policy continuity and peace.

"Political stability in China played a pivotal role in fostering an environment of peace, enabling the nation to channel its efforts towards growth and prosperity," he said stressing the importance of policy continuity, as it had been instrumental in sustaining China's progress over the years.

He said no country could progress without a system that prioritized peace, stability and policy consistency.

Ahsan Iqbal made a crucial point that no matter how qualified and exceptional the individuals in government may be, "political uncertainty, turmoil, or divisive politics hinder a country's path to success." He urged for the prioritization of peace and stability above all else, as it formed the bedrock of a nation's strength.

In light of Pakistan's 75th anniversary of independence, the minister called for a collective embrace of unity and progress. "Learning from our nation's history, the current generation must acknowledge the significance of sustained policies and shun experimentation." By working together, the minister said Pakistan could move on the path of a stable and peaceful future, securing national prosperity.

He highlighted that CPEC became a global brand, attracting attention from major international players, including the United States, Britain, Japan, and Europe. The influx of foreign investment was a testament to Pakistan's potential for growth and development.

With the support of China, he said the country achieved significant milestones, including the addition of 11,000 megawatts of electricity in just three and a half years, transforming the energy landscape of Pakistan.

Speaking about the importance of continuity in policies, the minister stressed the need for political stability and unity to achieve sustained progress.

He urged the youth to envision a prosperous Pakistan, emphasizing that the nation's greatest strength lies in its skilled and hardworking workforce.

He called upon the younger generation "to embrace e-commerce and IT as pivotal components of Pakistan's economic growth." Highlighting the potential of the youth, he encouraged them to become brand ambassadors for Pakistan on the global stage.

With a skilled and dedicated workforce, the minister said Pakistan could attract private sector investments from China and beyond, positioning itself as a favorable destination for businesses looking to relocate due to rising labor costs in China.

Ahsan Iqbal emphasized the vital role of the current generation in shaping Pakistan's future, saying "Our youth hold the key to the nation's economic growth, akin to how an atomic bomb represents our defense." He said the potential of youth was boundless, and "we must empower them with essential skills and quality education to unleash their entrepreneurial spirit. By removing obstacles that hinder their progress, we can pave the way for a brighter future." The minister expressed unwavering belief in the exceptional talent and capabilities of Pakistani youth, asserting that they stood among the best in the world.

"In today's global landscape, branding plays a significant role in a nation's success," calling upon the youth to create a unique brand that showcased Pakistan's extraordinary human resources to traders worldwide.

"Their hardworking, honest, and intelligent traits make them an unparalleled asset on the global stage, positioning Pakistan as a force to be reckoned with." The FUTURE E-Commerce Operations Center stands as a testament to Pakistan's progress and the untapped potential of its youth.

The minister applauded the efforts of the private enterprise behind the center and expressed hope for the establishment of similar centers across the country to empower the youth and foster economic growth.

In conclusion, Ahsan Iqbal expressed his belief that with collective efforts, Pakistan would realize its dream of becoming one of the world's top economies.

He called upon the youth to embrace hard work, integrity, and innovation, building a prosperous future for Pakistan.