Punjab Industrial Estates Development And Management Company (PIEDMC) Board Of Directors Meets

Punjab Industrial Estates Development and Management Company (PIEDMC) Board of Directors meets

Punjab Industrial Estates Development and Management Company (PIEDMC) Chairman Javed Iqbal presided over the 164th meeting of the company's Board of Directors (BoD) here Wednesday and approved expansion of Rahim Yar Khan and Multan Industrial Estate Phase II, besides starting the Graduate Trainee Programme for young students under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) Punjab Industrial Estates Development and Management Company (PIEDMC) Chairman Javed Iqbal presided over the 164th meeting of the company's board of Directors (BoD) here Wednesday and approved expansion of Rahim Yar Khan and Multan Industrial Estate Phase II, besides starting the Graduate Trainee Programme for young students under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

The Board also approved entering into a contract for supply of gas to zero point in Bhalwal Industrial Estate, to obtain OGRA (Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority) licence for Bahawalpur Industrial Estate, and to start formal proceedings to acquire land of ETPB adjacent to Sunder Industrial Estate.

The Board approved to form a State Affairs Committee to oversee the issues related to industrial estates, and a Finance Committee to supervise the financial affairs of the company.

The Board also approved revisions in the hiring criteria of the CEO and fixed the salary limits for the Chief Financial Officer and the Company Secretary. It was also approved to shift the head office of PIEDMC from Sunder Industrial Estate to Lahore City.

PIEDMC Chairman Javed Iqbal said that all possible efforts were being made to provide the best facilities to the industrialists and to create ease for them so that the industrialists put their problems on PIEDMC and only focus on running their industries and contribute in the national economy.

Member of the PIEDMC Board Directors- Sajid Saleem Minhas, Mian Noman Kabir, Muhammad Ahmad Khan, Dr. Shahid Raza, Sohail Azhar, CEO PIEDMC Ali Moazzam Syed, and officers from the provincial departments of Industries, and Labour, and TEVTA (Technical education and Vocational Training Authority) attended the meeting.