Syria Restored More Than 50% Of Food Industry - Industry Minister

Syria Restored More Than 50% of Food Industry - Industry Minister

Syria has restored more than 50% of the food sector factories destroyed during the armed conflict ongoing since 2011, Syrian Industry Minister Ziad Sabbagh said in an interview with Sputnik

DAMASCUS (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 12th November, 2021) Syria has restored more than 50% of the food sector factories destroyed during the armed conflict ongoing since 2011, Syrian Industry Minister Ziad Sabbagh said in an interview with Sputnik.

"The restoration is in process. The private sector has rebuilt its factories, many of them are already in operation, and new enterprises have been also put into operation ... It may be said that we have restored more than 50%," Sabbagh said.

About 40% of capacity of the textile industry, which was one of the main areas of Syrian production along with food and pharmaceuticals, has been restored, the minister noted.

"In the period from 2000 to 2010, the average volume of wool production varied from 400,000 to 500,000 tonnes per year. Last year, textile factories received no more than 14,000 tonnes," Sabbagh added.

Such a low capacity is connected not only with the destruction of factories by terrorists during the war. Large areas of Syria, where crops are harvested for the textile industry, are still out of authorities` control, according to the minister.

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