11 KV Electric Pole Falls Down Caused Power Disruptions

11 KV electric pole falls down caused power disruptions

The 11 KV dead pole fall down here on Monday due to the strong winds which caused the power outage and no significant damage was reported

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Aug, 2023 ) :The 11 KV dead pole fall down here on Monday due to the strong winds which caused the power outage and no significant damage was reported.

According to the spokesperson of Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO), strong winds led to the toppling of 11KV electricity pole near the Gol Building, close to the Law College. This incident also resulted in the falling of two additional poles.

He said there was no loss of life due to the power outage at that time however on receiving the information, HESCO's Chief Operating Officer, Abdul Ghaffoor Shaikh, XEN Gari Khata, Syed Aqib Abbas Shah, SDO Saddar Waqar Ahmed along with the Construction and Operation teams, reached the scene promptly.

HESCO officials turned off the power from Poly 2 and Saddar feeders as a safety measure. They also began the process of reinstalling the fallen poles.