All Institutions Should Work Within Their Constitutional Domains: Azam Tarar


All institutions should work within their constitutional domains: Azam Tarar

Minister for Law and Justice Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar on Monday said that all the institutions should work within their constitutional domains

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) Minister for Law and Justice Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar on Monday said that all the institutions should work within their constitutional domains.

Addressing a press conference, the minister said that the government was ready to provide full assistance to the police for the recovery of the missing poet Ahmed Farhad.

The Defence Ministry had told the court through the additional attorney general that Ahmed Farhad was not in the custody of any institution, he added.

The minister said that if rights of anyone were violated he could approach the court which could sought a reply from the respondents.

Then the police were responsible to investigate the matter after registering a case, he added.

Azam Tarar said that self-accountability was essential for a conducive environment in the country, which was at present at a critical juncture due to economic and security challenges.

No one take a risk to invest in the country with poor law and order situation, he added.

He said that the government was addressing the long standing issue of missing persons with the consultation of all stakeholders.

The minister said that the government had constituted a committee with representation from the Pakistan Peoples Party, Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and other parties to chalk out recommendations for setting up an authority for social media.