City Police Officer (CPO) Kamran Adil Directs To Tighten Noose Around Criminals


City Police Officer (CPO) Kamran Adil directs to tighten noose around criminals

City Police Officer (CPO) Kamran Adil has directed the police officers to tighten noose around the criminals for ensuring complete safety and security to the public lives and properties

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 31st Dec, 2024) City Police Officer (CPO) Kamran Adil has directed the police officers to tighten noose around the criminals for ensuring complete safety and security to the public lives and properties.

Presided over a crime review meeting here on Tuesday at police lines complex, he directed the senior officers to personally visit the scenes of heinous crimes in addition to ensuring timely reporting of such incidents.

He stressed the need for enhanced strategies, constant police presence, and prompt responses to further improve the district’s patrolling system.

He also reiterated a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption, incompetence and misuse of powers within the police force.

Appreciating the improvement in crime situation, the CPO commended the officers' efforts and directed them to adopt better strategies for crime control in the coming year. He urged officers to ensure safety and security of citizens' lives and property as it was the top priority of Faisalabad Police.

SSP Operations, SSP Investigation, Divisional SPs, SDPOs, SHOs, and branch heads from across the district were also present in the meeting.