Elders Urge To Reconstruct 6-kilometer Road From Bahrain To Kalam


Elders urge to reconstruct 6-kilometer road from Bahrain to Kalam

Elders from Kalam and surrounding areas, including Mittiltan, Uttor, Gabral, and others Friday asked the government for the reconstruction of the 6-kilometer road from Bahrain to Kalam on urgent bases

SWAT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Elders from Kalam and surrounding areas, including Mittiltan, Uttor, Gabral, and others Friday asked the government for the reconstruction of the 6-kilometer road from Bahrain to Kalam on urgent bases.

Addressing a press conference at the Swat Press Club, they regretted though that Federal and provincial governments approved and allocated funds but no work had been initiated.

The 33-kilometer road, which connects Kalam to other areas, was severely damaged in the 2010 and 2022 floods. According to elder from Kalam, over 100 traffic incidents have been occurred on the incomplete road, resulting in loss of life and injuries. The elders appealed to both the provincial and federal governments to take immediate action to complete this project on time.