Lahore Police Bust 1,373 Gangs This Year So Far


Lahore police bust 1,373 gangs  this year so far

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) The Lahore police have recovered stolen property worth over Rs. 1.05 billion from alleged criminals by arresting 3,262 members of 1,373 gangs in various operations this year, so far.

According to the police spokesperson on Wednesday, 36 vehicles, 2,927 motorcycles, 93 other vehicles, 46 laptops, 2,729 mobile-phones, and 127-tola gold were recovered from the accused.

Capital City Police Officer Bilal Siddique Kamyana said that operations were under way against the criminals with full intensity. He emphasised that a zero-tolerance policy was being pursued against criminals, involved in drug trafficking, illegal weapons, street crimes and heinous offences.