Majority Of Hajj Pilgrims Express Satisfaction With Hajj Services Under Govt Scheme


Majority of hajj pilgrims express satisfaction with Hajj services under govt scheme

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) As Hajj flight operation to Saudi Arabia is in full swing, majority of intending pilgrims Wednesday have expressed complete satisfaction over the remarkable hajj arrangements made by the government of Pakistan during their stay in Saudi Arabia and saying their experience has so far been “better than private hajj schemes.”

Talking to ptv news channel, a group of hajj pilgrims commented that they are performing Hajj through the government initiative, conveyed utmost satisfaction with the facilities provided by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and expressed gratitude over warmly welcomed on Madinah airport.

“The arrangements made for us here by the Pakistani government are better than expected", said another elderly women.

“The hotel resident is right opposite the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah which is very convenient for us,” said a male pilgrim.

“I am here for Hajj for the first time and this experience has been very good,” said a pilgrim from Lahore, adding, i will recommend all people who wants to plan next year hajj that they should prefer government hajj scheme as compared to private schemes as it is more secure and safe.

Pilgrims travelling to Saudi Arabia also thanked the present government for providing excellent arrangements enabling them to pay more focus and devotion on their prayers at the Masjid-e-Nabwi.

In-charge Lost and Found Cell Rana Mujahid also highlighting services that several measures have been taken to ensure the safety and security of pilgrims and their luggage.

He said all the 93 complaints of lost luggage received so far have been addressed successfully.

He further added that there were sixteen reports of missing Hujjaj and all of them have been traced and dropped to their respective groups.

Rana Mujahid said the ministry's staff in Madinah has been working round the clock to ensure seamless Hajj experience for the intending pilgrims.

He said the number of pending complaints is almost zero due to a prompt resolution mechanism through Ministry's App and a skilled and dedicated workforce.