78.97 Percent Cotton Cultivation Target Achieved In Faisalabad Division

78.97 percent cotton cultivation target achieved in Faisalabad division

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) Divisional Director Agriculture (Extension) Chaudhry Khalid Mehmood said that 78.97 percent

cotton cultivation target had so far been achieved in Faisalabad division while efforts were onto

for remaining target within the stipulated period.

He stated this while giving a briefing during the 2nd monthly meeting of Divisional Cotton Crop

Management Committee held here on Wednesday with Divisional Commissioner Madam Silwat

Saeed in the chair.

He said the agriculture department had set a target of 115,800 acres for cotton cultivation

in the division, however, the crop was cultivated over 91,442 acres land which was equal

to 78.97 percent of the total target.

He said that field staff of agriculture department after hectic efforts convinced the growers

to bring maximum space of their lands under cotton cultivation.

He appealed to the government to immediately announce support price for cotton and the

Punjab government should persuade the Federal government for minimum support price of

this commodity as Rs 9,300 per maund.

Speaking on the occasion, Divisional Commissioner Madam Silwat Saeed directed the

Irrigation Department to ensure the availability of canal water in the cotton areas so that

growers could complete its cultivation easily.

He also directed the irrigation and agriculture officers to visit the field area positively for

redressal farmers’ complaints on top priority basis.