Govt To Take All Possible Steps To Promote Religious Tourism: Governor


Govt to take all possible steps to promote religious tourism: Governor

Punjab Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar has said that the FPCCI's (Federation's of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry) proposal to hold a 'Religious Tourism Promotion Conference' to promote religious tourism was a great idea

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Aug, 2021 ) :Punjab Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar has said that the FPCCI's (Federation's of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry) proposal to hold a 'Religious Tourism Promotion Conference' to promote religious tourism was a great idea.

Holding the conference would play an important role in promoting religious tourism. The government will use all resources to promote religious tourism, and obstacles in this regard identified by the FPCCI would be removed immediately.

He was talking to a business delegation led by the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) Vice President and Regional Chairman Chaudhry Muhammad Saleem Bhullar here at Governor's House on Saturday.

FPCCI Regional Chairman Chaudhry Muhammad Saleem strongly condemned the attack on the temple in Rahim Yar Khan and said that islam teaches peace, brotherhood, and tolerance.

"By promoting religious tourism, we can earn millions of Dollars in foreign exchange and move our economy forward," he added.

Briefing the Governor Punjab on promoting religious tourism, the FPCCI delegation said there was a lack of basic necessities of life for tourists in historical mosques, shrines, Gurdwaras, temples, and churches in Punjab.

Visitors face difficulties due to roads, clean water and encroachments, he said and added that religious tourist destinations do not have accommodation and restaurants, and there was a need to build international standard rest houses and restaurants near religious tourist destinations. There should be adequate access to clean water and parking facilities to promote tourism. According to the current situation, visitors park their vehicles on roads and sidewalks, creating traffic problems, they highlighted.

The FPCCI delegation further suggested that signboards should also be placed on the routes leading to religious tourist sites.

On this occasion, Punjab Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar appreciated the suggestions of FPCCI and assured of resolving those issues.

Syed Ali Reza Rizvi, Jacqueline Tresseler, Dr. Suneel Rajput, Malik Talat Sohail, Sheikh Amad ud din, and others also shared their suggestions regarding promoting religious tourism in Pakistan.