PMSA Seizes Massive Drug Haul At Sea


PMSA seizes massive drug haul at sea

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th May, 2024) In a significant intelligence-based operation, the Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA), in collaboration with the Directorate of Customs Intelligence, Karachi, has seized a substantial quantity of drugs on the high seas.

A spokesman for the PMSA reported on Monday that the joint operation resulted in the interception of a boat carrying 675 kilograms of methamphetamine, commonly known as "Ice," on May 23. The drugs were expertly concealed in various compartments of the vessel.

During the operation, seven crew members aboard the boat were arrested. Both the arrested individuals and the confiscated drugs have been handed over to the Directorate of Customs Intelligence in Karachi for further legal proceedings.

The estimated value of the seized methamphetamine is approximately $37 million USD, or 10 billion Pakistani rupees, in the international market.