NA-269 Khuzdar, National Assembly Constituency
NA-269 is constituency of National Assembly of Pakistan. It is located in District Khuzdar, The Constituency had registered voters in 2018 general election, total votes were casted.Complete election history of NA-269 is given below, including the candidates and political parties which have participated in the elections, general election results and bye-elections result, profiles of candidates is also given below which includes the history and contact details.

Elections in NA-269
General Election 25 Jul 2018
General Election 11 May 2013
General Election 18 Feb 2008
Candidates in NA-269
NA-269 Latest News In English

NA-269 Khuzdar Results & Constituency Updates - General ..

NA's voters turnout remains 51.85 percent: Election ..

Election Commission of Pakistan announces 832 unofficial ..

Tough competition ahead as bigwigs contesting in 43 ..

292 candidates to contest for 16 NA seats of Balochistan

292 candidates are in the arena for 16 NA seats of ..
NA-269 Latest News In Urdu

بلوچستان کی قومی وصوبائی اسمبلی کے سرکاری نتائج کا اعلان

این اے 269 سے بلوچستان نیشنل پارٹی کے محمد اختر مینگل 52875 ووٹ لے کر کامیاب ..

خضدار میں انتخابی معر کہ کی تمام تیاریاں مکمل ، چاروں نشستوں کیلئے ..

بی این پارلیمنٹ کے اندر ہو یا باہر دونوں صورتوں میں اپنی تحریک سے دستبردار ..

پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) خضدار نے الیکشن مہم کا آغاز کرخ سے شروع کر دیا ..

الیکشن 2018 ء،حلقہ این اے 269 سے متعدد امیدواروں نے اپنی کاغذات نامزدگی ..
Elections in Pakistan
General Election 2018General Election 2013General Election 2008List of Assemblies

Constituencies History
Political Parties in Pakistan