CHF to PKR Currency Converter - Swiss Franc To Pakistan Rupee

Today 1 CHF To PKR Exchange Rate is Rs. 0.00. Find today current Swiss Franc to Pakistan Rupee conversion according to open market exchange rates. Buying and Selling rates of Dollar in Exchange market today with online calculator.

1 CHF = 0 PKR

1 CHF = 0.00 PKR
Your Conversion : 1 CHF = 0 PKR
Reverse Conversion : 0 PKR = 1 CHF

Swiss Franc Pakistan Rupee

Updated: Dec 10 2024

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Today Swiss Franc Rate to Pakistan Rupee (1 CHF to PKR) is 0 PKR, all prices are updated every hour to give you the best CHF to PKR conversion. This Swiss Franc to Pakistan Rupee conversion is based on open market rates which are set by the currency exchange dealers of Pakistan. Easily find the 1 CHF buying rate and selling rate in Pakistan. You can also convert all major currencies online.



Last 30 days LAST 90 DAYS
High 318.1 332.25
Low 314.25 314.25
Average 314.9130 322.0919


Date Buying Selling
10 Dec, 2024 312.71 315.46
9 Dec, 2024 312.72 315.52
8 Dec, 2024 312.72 315.52
7 Dec, 2024 312.72 315.52
6 Dec, 2024 312.72 315.52
5 Dec, 2024 312.72 315.52
4 Dec, 2024 312.75 315.55
3 Dec, 2024 312.72 315.52
2 Dec, 2024 312.71 315.46
1 Dec, 2024 311.45 314.25
30 Nov, 2024 311.45 314.25
29 Nov, 2024 311.45 314.25
28 Nov, 2024 311.45 314.25
27 Nov, 2024 311.45 314.25
26 Nov, 2024 311.45 314.25


The exchange rate of CHF to PKR is almost 0. However, this exchange rate varies according to the condition of the economy. This varying rate depends on the economies of both countries. You must know about the fluctuation of both the currencies. So, in this article, you will come to know that how CHF varies in accordance with PKR. Moreover, we will also relate these two currencies. Let’s have a look.


The official currency of Switzerland is CHF. It stands for Confoederatio Helvetica Franc, which is the Latin name of the Swiss confederation. But precisely and popularly, it is known as Swiss Franc. Furthermore, some traders also call it Swissie. The only Franc which is still issued in Europe is the Swiss Franc. Also, it is the seventh most raided currency throughout the world.

Now to check the strength of this currency, we will compare this currency with the very popular currency, the United States Dollars. After comparing, we have come to know that it is slightly stronger than US Dollars. US Dollar is the strongest currency till now, but CHF is stronger than it. The exchange rate of US Dollars to CHF is almost . It means 1 USD is CHF.

Now, if we compare it with the other currencies of the world, then it is still stronger than other currencies all over the world. A little amount of CHF is considered worthy in different currencies. Now, if we consider salary a standard, then 300 CHF is considered a lot of money. We can say that 300 CHF is a sufficient amount as a 1-month salary. Relatively, in other countries, this amount is insufficient.

This stability and worth of the currency is a result of many factors. The first factor can be the stability of political history and strong laws. The other factor can be the neutral stance of Switzerland with foreign affairs. However, the main factor is that inflation has been very low in Switzerland. Lastly, it is not a reserved currency.


On the other hand, PKR is the official currency of Pakistan. It stands for Pakistani Rupees. If we talk about its condition, then it is not so good. As compared to many other countries, this currency is very bad and weak.

As we have stated above, the level of a currency depends on the economic condition of that country. As we know that the economic condition of Pakistan is very bad, so consequently, the Rupees are still becoming weaker day by day. It is a very bad situation that can lead to many many other issues.

Now, if we come towards the factors, then the main factor is bad political history. There are no strong laws to be implemented. The other factor is the gradual increase in inflation. It is the main culprit behind a bad economy. Lastly, Pakistan has not been an active member of foreign affairs, so consequently, its currency has not been sound.


Now the time comes to contrast between the two currencies, Swiss Franc and Pakistani Rupees. There is a lot of difference between these two currencies. The Swiss Franc is much greater than Pakistani Rupees. As mentioned before, this is due to the difference between the economic conditions. An additional factor also includes that is the international demand and supply of currencies in the global market. We know that the demand and supply of CHF are much greater than PKR.

Moreover, if we talk about CHF individually, then this currency is increasing day by day. Its importance is growing in the international exchange rate market. While on the other hand, PKR is continuously falling. Moreover, its importance is decreasing in the global market. It means the rate of CHF to PKR, which is almost 0, is increasing gradually.

To know more about these currencies, we will take an example. Let's suppose the salary of a person is 30,000 CHF while the salary of another person is 30,000 PKR. Now, if we compare these two, then there is a very huge difference. The 30,000 CHF worth much more than 30,000 PKR. The 30,000 CHF is a handsome salary, but 30,000 PKR is an average salary. Now you can see the difference between both.