CZK to PKR Currency Converter - Czech Republic Koruny To Pakistan Rupee

Today 1 CZK To PKR Exchange Rate is Rs. 0.00. Find today current Czech Republic Koruny to Pakistan Rupee conversion according to open market exchange rates. Buying and Selling rates of Dollar in Exchange market today with online calculator.

1 CZK = 0 PKR

1 CZK = 0.00 PKR
Your Conversion : 1 CZK = 0 PKR
Reverse Conversion : 0 PKR = 1 CZK

Czech Republic Koruny Pakistan Rupee

Updated: Oct 15 2024

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Today Czech Republic Koruny Rate to Pakistan Rupee (1 CZK to PKR) is 0 PKR, all prices are updated every hour to give you the best CZK to PKR conversion. This Czech Republic Koruny to Pakistan Rupee conversion is based on open market rates which are set by the currency exchange dealers of Pakistan. Easily find the 1 CZK buying rate and selling rate in Pakistan. You can also convert all major currencies online.



Last 30 days LAST 90 DAYS
High 12.3893 12.45
Low 11.9619 11.8375
Average 12.1979 12.1638


Date Rate
15 Oct, 2024 12.01
14 Oct, 2024 12.01
13 Oct, 2024 12.01
12 Oct, 2024 11.96
11 Oct, 2024 11.99
10 Oct, 2024 12.04
9 Oct, 2024 12.03
8 Oct, 2024 12.02
7 Oct, 2024 12.01
6 Oct, 2024 12.01
5 Oct, 2024 12.08
4 Oct, 2024 12.12
3 Oct, 2024 12.16
2 Oct, 2024 12.28
1 Oct, 2024 12.33


The exchange rate of CZK or PKR is around 0. This exchange rate doesn’t remain constant. It varies continuously from time to time. The exchange rate depends upon the economic condition of the country. Both countries play the same role in this varying rate. In this article, we will discuss the relation between CZK and PKR. Variation, according to each other, will also be discussed.


CZK is the official currency of the Czech Republic. It stands for Czech Koruna. Commonly know as Koruna, it is one of the European Union’s 11 currencies. Moreover, Czechia is bound to adopt the Euro currency in the future. The currency was issued in 1993 and is used since then.

If we compare it with the United States Dollars, in order to check its strength, then it is a relatively weak currency. A sufficient difference can be seen between both. The exchange rate of the US Dollars to Czech Koruna is around . You can see that it is a much weaker currency in front of the US Dollars.

Now, as compared to other currencies of the world, it is a relatively stronger currency. If we compare it with currencies like the Pound, Euro, etc., it is a weak currency. But as compared to many currencies of developing countries, it is a stronger currency. It means it comes in the middle.

There are various reasons behind this strength of a currency. The first reason is that the Czech Republic exports and import many things due to which its economy is strong. The second reason is the good governmental system. Lastly, adequate and consistent behavior towards foreign issues is also a reason.


PKR is the official currency of Pakistan. It stands for Pakistani Rupees. Additionally, traders also call it Rupees. Earlier, Rupee was further divided into 100 Paisa. But it is not issued now due to its extremely low value. The coins and notes are controlled by the central bank called State Bank of Pakistan. The larger values of money are counted in Thousands, Lakhs, Crores, Arab, and Kharab.

If we compare it with the US Dollars, then it is an extremely weak currency. A large amount of difference can be seen between them. The exchange rate of US Dollars to PKR is around 166. It is a substantial exchange rate, which is a result of a bad economy.

As compared to other economies of the world, it is a very weak currency. A minor difference can be seen between PKR and other currencies of developing countries. It has an extremely low value in front of other currencies.

The reason behind this worst condition is the bad economic condition of the country. Bad political history is also a significant reason. Inflation has also played a vital role in worsening the economy. Lastly, Pakistan is a developing country, so it is working on itself rather than the economy. Hopefully, the economy will come to a better condition soon.


If both economies are compared, then a large number of differences can be seen. CZK is much stronger than PKR. Czech Koruna is considered worthy than Pakistani Rupees due to the demand and supply of CZK than PKR. Due to this reason, the exchange rate is going on increasing gradually. Currently, 1 CZK is equal to around 0 PKR.