SGD to PKR Currency Converter - Singapore Dollar To Pakistan Rupee

Today 1 SGD To PKR Exchange Rate is Rs. 0.00. Find today current Singapore Dollar to Pakistan Rupee conversion according to open market exchange rates. Buying and Selling rates of Dollar in Exchange market today with online calculator.

1 SGD = 0 PKR

1 SGD = 0.00 PKR
Your Conversion : 1 SGD = 0 PKR
Reverse Conversion : 0 PKR = 1 SGD

Singapore Dollar Pakistan Rupee

Updated: Oct 10 2024

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Today Singapore Dollar Rate to Pakistan Rupee (1 SGD to PKR) is 0 PKR, all prices are updated every hour to give you the best SGD to PKR conversion. This Singapore Dollar to Pakistan Rupee conversion is based on open market rates which are set by the currency exchange dealers of Pakistan. Easily find the 1 SGD buying rate and selling rate in Pakistan. You can also convert all major currencies online.



Last 30 days LAST 90 DAYS
High 218.45 218.45
Low 203.85 203.75
Average 210.4067 206.3561


Date Buying Selling
10 Oct, 2024 215.00 217.00
9 Oct, 2024 215.00 217.00
8 Oct, 2024 215.00 217.00
7 Oct, 2024 215.00 217.00
6 Oct, 2024 215.00 217.00
5 Oct, 2024 215.00 217.00
4 Oct, 2024 215.00 217.00
3 Oct, 2024 215.04 217.04
2 Oct, 2024 214.38 216.38
1 Oct, 2024 214.38 216.38
30 Sep, 2024 216.45 218.45
29 Sep, 2024 216.45 218.45
28 Sep, 2024 216.45 218.45
27 Sep, 2024 216.45 218.45
26 Sep, 2024 208.85 211.85


The rate of 1 Singapore Dollar is almost 0 PKR. The rate of currencies varies continuously. It may increase or decrease. The currency varies due to the economic conditions of a country. Economic conditions play an important role in displaying the currency of countries. Why and how the currency varies, specifically SGD to PKR, here we are going to discuss in detail. 


SGD is the abbreviation of the Singapore Dollar. Singapore Dollar is the official currency of Singapore. A Singapore Dollar is further divided into 100 cents. Singapore Dollar is used in the regions of Singapore and Brunei. Both cities are known as the official users of Singapore Dollars. 

A specific symbol represents every currency. Singapore Dollar is also represented by a particular symbol, that is "S$". 

All the currencies are compared with the United States dollar because the United States dollar is considered as the strongest currency. The currency of any other country is compared with USD to measure how strong the currency is.

So by comparing the Singapore Dollar with the United State Dollar, there is not a big difference between both the currencies. The comparison shows that the Singapore Dollar is not such a weak currency. It is because the rate of exchange of the United States Dollar and Singapore Dollar is comparable. The Singapore Dollar is only 36% weaker than the United States Dollar.

It is because the economy of Singapore is known as one of the most stable economy of the world.  1 USD is equal to SGD. It means that there is not a big difference between both currencies. Just a little more amount of Singapore Dollar is required to become equal to the United state Dollars amount. 


PKR is the abbreviation of Pakistani Rupee. Pakistani Rupee is the official currency of Pakistan. This currency was introduced in 1948. The PKR currency is considered as cheaper currency. It is due to poor economic conditions.

Pakistan is facing hardships in its economy. That is why the currency of Pakistan is weaker. 

The currency rate is getting weaker to weaker. The unstable economy of a country also causes many other issues. Mainly one of them is inflation at higher rates.

If the currency of a country is weak, the price rates of commonly used things would be very high, and this may lead to more bad conditions of the economy. At present, Pakistan is facing highly unstable economic conditions. 

The PKR currency, although considered as a very weak currency but it much stronger than some of the other currencies like the Indonesian Rupiah and Iranian Rial.

The value of Pakistan's currency can get a better value only when the economic conditions of Pakistan's economy will be stable.

SGD and PKR:

As we know that the economy plays a vital role in the currencies of countries. The average rate of exchange for Singapore dollars to PKR is 0. In contrast, the 1 Pakistani Rupee is equal to SGD. There is a massive difference between Pakistani currency and Singapore's currency.

We also clear it from an example. For example, a person going from Singapore to the United States, and he has 10000 SGD. He gets the exchange of this amount of about 0 the United States Dollars. And another person going to the United States with an amount of 10000 PKR. He gets the exchange of this amount of about only 0 United States Dollars. Now you can see the significant difference between the PKR and SGD.

Furthermore, the value of both currencies is to get measured by many other examples as the economy plays a vital role in the currencies of countries. So the country which has a good economy would have the cheaper prices of random things. But Pakistan is terrible economically, so the prices of randomly used items would be high to maintain the economy.

The worth of the Singapore Dollar is more than the Pakistani Rupee as we know that the economy of Singapore is one of the stable economies of the world. So its currency is more valuable. 

A little amount of Singapore dollars will be a great amount. But a large amount of Pakistani Rupee will be just a tiny amount because there's a big difference between both currencies.