Collectorate Of Customs Sambrial Achieves FBR Target


Collectorate of Customs Sambrial achieves FBR target

The Collectorate of Customs Sambrial (Sialkot) has achieved the revenue target, set by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), for financial year 2023-24

SIALKOT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Jul, 2024) The Collectorate of Customs Sambrial (Sialkot) has achieved the revenue target, set by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), for financial year 2023-24.

According to a press release, issued by Deputy Collector Javeria Shahid, the annual target set by the Government of Pakistan for the Collectorate of Customs Sambrial for financial year 2023-24 has been achieved with the efforts of the officers and staff.

Under the supervision of Collector Customs Saima Aftab, Additional Collector Customs Liaquat Ranjha, Deputy Collector Javaria Shahid, Chief Accounts Officer Amara Farooq, Assistant Collector Muhammad Khalid, Assistant Collector Amir Hamza and Assistant Collector Humayun Mukhtar worked together with their staff and the result was received in the form of achieving the target.

According to the press release, when the financial year ended on June 30, 2024, the set target was achieved.

The special interest of the senior officers of the Government of Pakistan Customs in achieving the annual targets, as well as the efforts of the business community cannot be ignored, which proved to be helpful and supportive in achieving the target.

Anti-Smuggling Organisation, Recovery Branch, Bank Guarantee Branch, DTRE, Export Facilitation Branch and Auction Branch played prominent role in the target set by the collectorate. Apart form this, Rs. 852.369 million were recovered due to administrative measures, while a total of Rs. 1356.250 million were collected as Customs Duty and other revenue in the financial year.

According to the press release, dealing with endless concerns, problems and difficulties in an efficient manner, the officers and staffs with their hard work and attention focused towards the achievement of the set target and achieved success.

The officers and employees, who played a prominent role in achieving the target were also honoured with certificates by the Collector of Customs and it was reiterated that the government duties will be performed with similar dedication in the future.