UAF Produces 28 More PhDs

UAF produces 28 more PhDs

University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) has produced 28 more PhD scholars which raised PhD club to 2,453 so far

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 13th Jan, 2025) University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) has produced 28 more PhD scholars which raised PhD club to 2,453 so far.

UAF spokesman said here on Monday that among the new PhD scholars included Ambreen Mehmood Awan D/O S. Mehmood Awan, from Institute of Physiology and Pharmacology; Fatima Yousuf D/O Malik Muhammad Yousuf from Department of Biochemistry, Maria Amjad D/O Amjad Pervaiz Zia from Department of Rural Sociology, Rana Muhammad Abdullah S/O Muhammad Amjad Javed from Institute of Microbiology, Amna Ayub S/O Muhammad Ayub Khan from Department of Chemistry, Amna Alam D/O Muhammad Alam Sher from National Institute of Food Science and Technology, Shahbaz Mustafa S/O Ghulam Mustafa from Department of Plant Pathology, Asma Bashir D/O Bashir Ahmad from Department of Physics, Saima Nazir D/O Zaheer Ahmad from Department Rural Sociology, Muhammad Iqbal S/O Ghulam Nabi from Department of Plant Pathology, Muhammad Rehan S/O Muhammad Ramzan from Department of Agronomy, Muhammad Waqar Azeem S/O Abdul Hameed Saqib from Department of Chemistry, Abbas Shoukat S/O Shoukat Ali from Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, Ghalib S/O Ayaz from Department of Plant Pathology, Muhammad Subtain S/O Bashir Ahmad from National Institute of Food sciences and Technology, Maryium Sajjad D/O Sajjad Anwar from Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, Ayesha Ismail D/O Muhammad Ismail from Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, Waqar Ahmed S/O Muhammad Ilyas Tahir from National Institute of Food Science and Technology, Muhammad Nadeem Saleem S/O Muhammad Saleem from Department of Agronomy, Muhammad Farhan Ayaz Chishti S/O Muhammad Ayaz Chishti from Institute of Animal and Dairy Sciences, Muhammad Saleem Ashraf S/O Rana Muhammad Ashraf from Institute of Agricultural Extension, education & Rural Development, Zareen Fatima D/O Qamar Iqbal from Department of Rural Sociology, Sara Farooq D/O Muhammad Farooq from Department of Rural Sociology.

These scholars had passed final examinations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and title of their thesis were, “Evaluation of antioxidant and hypoglycemic potential of Acacia jacquemontii in alloxan induced diabetic rats”, “Fertility enhancing potential of nano-formulations of selected nutraceuticals”, “People knowledge attitude and practices of fortified food in Punjab, Pakistan.”, “Molecular epidemiology and drug resistance pattern of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from human clinical samples, poultry and environment in one health perspective”, “Mechanistic and comparative study of reactions occurring in porous nanocages”, Antioxidant effect of Solanum nigrum extract in phenylhydrazine induced oxidative stress and hepatotoxicity in animal model”, “Management of rice blast disease based on plant activators, nutrients and characterization of epidemiological factors of different ecological zones”, “Constrained classical and quantum dynamics on curved spaces”, “Vulnerability analysis of women waged labourers in agriculture sector and its implication for standards and rights at work in Punjab, Pakistan.

”, “Assessment and management of narrow brown leaf spot disease ( Cercospora oryzae) of rice”, “Assessing the sustainability of Rice-wheat cropping system through sesbania green manuring in agro-ecological zones of Punjab using sequential modeling under DSSAT”, “Production and characterization of biodiesel from microalgae”, “Appraising the Effect of Conventional and Nanofertilizers for Nutrient Use Efficiency and Yield Benefits in Maize Under Saline Conditions”, “Resistance enhancement in chilli against bacterial wilt through phenolic antioxidants, chemicals and antibiotics”, “Oleoresins, extraction, characterization and end use perspectives”, “Genetic diversity of soybeans for response to rhizobia and its impact on yield and quality”, “Genetic basis of quality and yield contributing traits under normal and salinity stress in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)”, “Ramification of sugarcane bagasse based adsorbent on the quality and stability of degraded edible fats and oils”, “Improving soil health and productivity of rice-wheat cropping system through green and brown manuring”, “Nutritional enrichment of straw from genetically improved wheat and its effect on production performance of Sahiwal cattle”, “Analysis of cropping pattern shift from cotton in Punjab Pakistan: Implications for the cotton revival”, “Challenges of Halal meat consumption: A study about the perceptions, knowledge and practices of halal meat consumers in Punjab, Pakistan” and “Challenges and opportunities of CPEC and its impact on Socio-cultural transformation in Punjab, Pakistan”, respectively, he added.

Meanwhile, UAF Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Muhammad Sarwar Khan has congratulated the students on completion of their degrees and said that the university was taking all possible measures to produce skilled manpower in addition to ensuring tangible research work and outreach programs.