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Shab E Barat Ke Nawafil For Prosperity, Wealth And Forgiveness

Shab E Barat Ke Nawafil For Prosperity, Wealth And Forgiveness

Shab e Barat is a blessed night for every Muslim man or woman. Every Muslim becomes eager to have this night and offers nawafil to make their creator happy and ask for his forgiveness and salvation on this blessed night. For this reason, we bring you the Shab E Barat Ke Nawafil that will allow you to recite them. Further, it is the night that took place on the 15th night of the Islamic calendar in the month of Shaaban. This month is the eighth month of the Islamic calendar. Other names for this night that are common among Muslims are Laylatul Baraah or Layaltun Nisfe min Shaban or Shab E Barat. Our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said that this is “My Month”, and during this month, our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) fasted more than any other month except the month of Ramadan.

On the night of Shab e Barat, the Almighty Allah makes every life’s decision. The decisions made for the person will be whether he will stay alive for the next year or not.

(جاری ہے)

What will he earn in the whole next year, how many children will he have, what other blessings in his life will he enjoy during the year, and whatsoever will he do for the rest of the year in terms of his professional and personal life? So this is a night of great importance, and every Muslim must offer Shab E Barat Ke Nawafil so that Allah grants everyone the completion of desires. Extension in his life prevents him and his loved ones from miseries, troubles, and worries. And on the above, they will enjoy great benefits that include wealth and happiness.

Shab E Barat Ke Nawafil for Wealth

On this night of forgiveness, you must make niyyat for two Rakat nawafil. After reciting Surah Fatiha, recite Ayat-ul-Kursi for one time and Surah Ikhlas fifteen times. Then after Salaam, recite Darood e Pak a hundred times and pray for plenty of wealth.

Shab E Barat Ke Nawafil for Forgiveness

If a person wants to get forgiveness of his sins from Allah, he must offer ten rakats of nawafil. After reciting Surah Fatiha recites Surah Ikhlas for eleven times in each Rakat. And after the completion of ten rakats, pray for forgiveness and blessings from Allah.

Shab E Barat Ke Nawafil for Prosperity

It is a six rakats nawafil, and along with it comes three different rewards. At the end of every two rakats, recite Surah Yaseen for one time, or you can recite Surah Ikhlas twenty-one times. After that, recite “Dua for Nisf Shabaan”. The first two rakats will be for lengthening of life, the next two will be to prevent troubles, and the last two will be for prosperity.

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