DKK to AUD Currency Converter - 1 Danish Krone To Australian Dollar

1 Danish Krone (DKK) To Australian Dollar (AUD) Currency Exchange Rates Today. DKK to Australian Dollar exchange rates and Danish Krone to AUD buying and Selling rates. 1 DKK to AUD Interbank rate and 1 AUD to DKK rates.

1 DKK = 0 AUD

1 DKK = 0.00 AUD
Your Conversion : 1 DKK = 0 AUD
Reverse Conversion : 0 AUD = 1 DKK

Danish Krone Australian Dollar

Updated: Jul 27 2024

Enter Ammount

Today Danish Krone Rate to Australian Dollar (1 DKK to AUD) is 0 PKR, all prices are updated every hour to give you the best DKK to AUD conversion. This Danish Krone to Australian Dollar conversion is based on open market rates which are set by the currency exchange dealers of Australia. Easily find the 1 DKK buying rate and selling rate in Australia. You can also convert all major currencies online.



Last 30 days LAST 90 DAYS
High 0.2202 0.2246
Low 0.2168 0.2168
Average 0.2181 0.2205


Date Currency Rate
27 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2171
26 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2171
25 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2173
24 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2171
23 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2168
22 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2169
21 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2169
20 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2169
19 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2168
18 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2171
17 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2169
16 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2169
15 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2169
14 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2171
13 Jul, 2024 DKK TO AUD 0.2171