Kuwaiti Dinar Rate in Pakistan - KWD to PKR Exchange Rate History

Today Kuwaiti Dinar Rate in Pakistan is Rs. 915, yesterday rate was Rs. 915. The KWD rate in Pakistan PKR changes every hour, we have solved the problem of our users by giving complete history and record of last 30 days. You can check the Kuwaiti Dinar rates history of last month here. These rates are open market currency rates, you can check current Kuwaiti Dinar buying rate and Kuwaiti Dinar selling rates online. Kuwaiti Dinar forex rates and interbank rates are also available in our business and finance section.

Today Kuwaiti Dinar Rate in Pakistan is Rs: 915

Date Symbol Buying Selling
10-09-2024 KWD 905.5 PKR 915 PKR
09-09-2024 KWD 905.5 PKR 915 PKR
08-09-2024 KWD 905.5 PKR 915 PKR
07-09-2024 KWD 905.5 PKR 915 PKR
06-09-2024 KWD 905.5 PKR 915 PKR
05-09-2024 KWD 905.5 PKR 915 PKR
04-09-2024 KWD 903.56 PKR 913.06 PKR
03-09-2024 KWD 903.56 PKR 913.06 PKR
02-09-2024 KWD 903.5 PKR 913 PKR
01-09-2024 KWD 903.45 PKR 908.53 PKR
31-08-2024 KWD 903.45 PKR 908.53 PKR
30-08-2024 KWD 903.45 PKR 908.53 PKR
29-08-2024 KWD 903.45 PKR 908.53 PKR
28-08-2024 KWD 903.45 PKR 908.53 PKR
27-08-2024 KWD 903.45 PKR 908.53 PKR
26-08-2024 KWD 903.45 PKR 908.53 PKR
25-08-2024 KWD 903.45 PKR 908.53 PKR
24-08-2024 KWD 903.45 PKR 908.53 PKR
23-08-2024 KWD 903.45 PKR 908.53 PKR
22-08-2024 KWD 903.45 PKR 908.53 PKR
21-08-2024 KWD 905.45 PKR 910.6 PKR
20-08-2024 KWD 905.45 PKR 910.6 PKR
19-08-2024 KWD 905.45 PKR 910.6 PKR
18-08-2024 KWD 905.45 PKR 910.6 PKR
17-08-2024 KWD 905.45 PKR 910.6 PKR
16-08-2024 KWD 905.45 PKR 910.6 PKR
15-08-2024 KWD 905.35 PKR 910.5 PKR
14-08-2024 KWD 905.35 PKR 910.5 PKR
13-08-2024 KWD 905.35 PKR 910.5 PKR
12-08-2024 KWD 905.35 PKR 910.5 PKR
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Latest Comments

We often need to change Kuwaiti dinar into Pakistani currency, as we have an import-export business there. This page has good suggestions for exchange companies. 

By: Noor Hassan on 25-07-2019

My father lives in Kuwait so we have to exchange the currency. I visited this site once and it had many options of companies offering KWT to PKR exchange. I used this money exchange company now every time. 

By: Nabeel Haider on 17-07-2019

I want to kuwait currency i live in pakistan

By: SYED ARSALAN SHAH on 11-02-2022

Money 💰 is the greed of the world 🌎 and For Resurrection a person doing the worship of Allah to get paradise (for always life) money is in world 🌎 for a little lifetime importance and after death worship of Allah (believe in Allah one only)and overall works of Muslims in Islam religion which Allah said! If we do and Allah gives paradise in the of Resurrection

By: Fahad on 03-10-2021

Jnb ma kuwait ana chahta hon

By: Aqeel Abbas on 13-09-2021