Muharram Poetry - Read Urdu Muharram Shayari Latest Collection
Muharram Poetry - At UrduPoint, you can read the latest collection of best Urdu Muharram Poetry. Famous Muharram Urdu Poetry by famous poets available here.
لطیف ایسی کچھ اس دل کی شیشہ کاری تھی
Shujaat Ali Rahi - شجاعت علی راہی
Latif Aisi Kuchh Is Dil Ki Shisha-kari Thi
نوک نیزہ پہ رکھتے ہیں سر بھی
Shareef Ahmad Qureshi - شریف احمد قریشی
Nok-e-neza Pe Rakhte Hain Sar Bhi

نیزے کی بلندی پہ ہے سر خم تو نہیں ہے
Shareef Ahmad Qureshi - شریف احمد قریشی
Neze Ki Bulandi Pe Hai Sar Kham To Nahin Hai

حسینؓ! تومی کوتھائے
Shahnaz Nabi - شہناز نبی
Husain! Tumi Kothae

مجھ نکمے کی جو بھی عزت ہے
Rana Usman Ahaamir - رانا عثمان احامر
Mujh Nikamme Ki Jo Bhi Izzat Hai
تا قیامت ذکر سے روشن رہے گی یہ زمیں
Nuzhat Abbasi - نزہت عباسی
Ta-qayamat Zikr Se Raushan Rahegi Ye Zamin

کیوں سکینہ اور زینب اس قدر خاموش ہیں
Nuzhat Abbasi - نزہت عباسی
Kyun Sakina Aur Zainab Is Qadar Khamosh Hain

کربلا کا راستہ روشن ہوا
Naz Qadri - ناز قادری
Karbala Ka Rasta Raushan Hua

جب بھی اڑ جاتے ہیں ہر حال میں بیعت پہ یزید
Muntazir Qaimi - منتظر قائمی
Jab Bhi Ad Jate Hain Har Haal Mein Baiat Pe Yazid

چہرہ تمام سرخ ہے محرم کے رنگ سے (ردیف .. ا)
Muneer Shikohabadi - منیرؔ شکوہ آبادی
Chehra Tamam Surkh Hai Mahram Ke Rang Se
یزید وقت کی نیندیں حرام ہوتی ہیں
Mohammad Ibrahim Noori - محمد ابراہیم نوری
Yazid-e-waqt Ki Ninden Haram Hoti Hain

وقار خون شہیدان کربلا کی قسم (ردیف .. ے)
Mohammad Ali Jauhar - محمد علی جوہرؔ
Waqar-e-khun-e-shahidan-e-karbala Ki Qasam

قتل حسین اصل میں مرگ یزید ہے (ردیف .. د)
Mohammad Ali Jauhar - محمد علی جوہرؔ
Qatl-e-husain Asl Mein Marg-e-yazid Hai

کس نور کی مجلس میں مری جلوہ گری ہے
Meer Muzaffar Husain Zameer - میر مظفر حسین ضمیر
Kis Nur Ki Majlis Mein Meri Jalwagari Hai
جب اصغر معصوم کی گردن پہ لگا تیر
Meer Khaleeq - میر خلیق
Jab Asghar-e-masum Ki Gardan Pe Chala Tir

راحتوں کا مری پتا ہے علی
Hina Abbas - حنا عباس
Rahatoon Ka Meri Pata Hai Ali

Muharram Poetry
Muharram is the starting month of the Islamic year and the holiest month after Ramadan. 10th Day of Muharram is the day of Ashura. All Muslims grief on the day of Ashura because of the martyrdom of Hazrat Hussian and his beloved family. Shia Muslims practice fasting and eat less than normal life. Shia Muslims read the book Ziyarat Ashura on the 9th and 10th day of Ashura. First, 10 days of Muharram are most important. These days, Shia Muslims attend assemblies and mourn in his memory.
People write poetry for these special days. Poetry, poems (Soaz, Marsiya, and slam) are recited on these special days.
Important incidents in Muharram
There are the most special incidents in this month in history. These are as follows
1 Muharram
Attack of the Grand Mosque in 1400 AH.
3 Muharram
Hussain ibn Ali entered Karbala and established the camp in 680 AD.
7 Muharram
Water supply was restricted to Hussain ibn Ali by Yazid's orders in 680 AD.
10 Muharram
It is the Day of Ashura. On that day, Hussain ibn Ali was martyred in the Battle of Karbala.
25 Muharram
Marvanian martyred the 4th Shia Imam Zain ul Abideen in 95 AH.
Types of Muharram Poetry
Shia Muslims read the poetry in Muharram. All poetry is about the Battle of Karbala and Imam Hussian's family. This poetry plays a huge role these days because everyone describes all incidents and sacrifices made for the Deen. Some most common types of Muharram Poetry are Marsiya, Soaz, Noha, and Roze Khwani.
Marsiya comes from the Arabic word Marthiyya. It is written for the incident of Karbala, Imam Hussain, and his family. Shia Muslims mourn the Marsiya on the day of Ashura.
Soaz is also poetry for the martyrdoms of the Battle of Karbala, Hazrat Imam Hussain, his companions, and his family. This rhyming form was first found in Lucknow in North India. Shia Muslims read the poetry in the form of Marsiya, Soaz, Nauha, and Salam.
Mir Babar Ali Anees is the well-known poet of the Soaz. Shia Muslims who recite the Soaz on that special days are called Soazkhawan. Sayed Ali Ausat Zaidi is the famous Urdu Soazkhawan.
Noha is also a lament about the incident of Karbala and the martyrdom of Ahl e Bait. Small and sub-parts of Marsiya poetry are called Noha. The battle of Karbala is not limited to Shia; it is the most painful incident for all Muslim ummah. Persian and Urdu Noha poetry is more popular. Poets from different countries have written poetry in their national languages. Even Christian poets have written many poems about Karbala.
Roze Khawani
Rawdah Khawani is also a kind of Muharram poetry. Irani Shai Muslims recite the Rawdah Khawani in the month of Muharram.
These are all kinds of Muharram poetry for the Ahl e Bait. Noah, Marsiya, Soaz, Noha, and Roze Khawani are recited in the form of the majlis, where one person or group members recites this special poetry. Shia Muslims have made their special places for the majlis and Noha Khawani.
Famous poets of Muharram poetry
Many famous poets have written many books and poetry related to Muharram and the Battle of Karbala. Popular Urdu Marsiya writers are:
Najam Afandi
Noha: 'Aey Waey Nahre Alqama' 'Raaj dulara Zehra ka'
Books: Huan Najm, Rubaiyat Najam Afandi,Khosha e Anjum, Kainat-e-Najm.
Mir Babar Ali Anis
Mir Babar Ali Anis wrote Marsiya in very painful and deep words. His poetry conveys the lesson of sacrifice for Islam. On the 10th of Muharram, Shia recite their Marsiya. He had written many books about Karbala and Imam Hussain and his sacrifices.
Mirza Salamat Ali Dabeer
Mirza Salamat Ali Dabeer's poetry about Muharram is famous. He wrote Marsiya, Salam and Soaz. His many Salam is very popular. He has written many books and poetry on the bravery and power of Imam Hussain.
List of his famous Soaz and Marsiya
- Kis sher me Amad ha ki Run kaanp raha hai
- Dast-e-Khuda Ka Quwat-e-Bazoo Husain hain
- Bilqees pasban hai yeh kis ki janab hai
- Paida Shua-E-Mehar Ki Miqraaz Jab Huge
Chhannu Lal Dilgeer
Chhannu Lal Dilgeer is another famous Marsiya poet. He changed his name to Gulam Hussain and wrote many poems about the battle of Karbala. His famous Marsiya is "Ghabray gi Zainab".